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Wood-Plastic Composites Market in Russia and Poland (артикул: 18236 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 13 Мая 2013

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Россия, Польша

Период исследования: Май 2013

Количество страниц: 29

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 45000 руб.


Всегда актуальные исследования рынков и индивидуальные бизнес-планы

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Полное описание:

Определение текущего состояния и прогнозов рынка древесно-полимерных композитов. Часть 1: предмет, методология исследования, ограничения; Часть 2: выводы, обзор рынка ДПК, обзор рынка ДПК в России, обзор рынка ДПК в Польше; Приложения

Целью исследования является изучение особенностей текущего состояния ринка ДПК в Восточной Европе и России для применения выводов в бизнес-практике. Было опробовано два методологических подхода: классический анализ информации, детализация рынка, прикладное прогнозирование; кроме того, применена альтернативная методология с использованием данных InTech Database. Источниками информации послужили как аналитический материалы, так и статистические базы, результаты интервьюинга и пр.

(1) Firstly, total market immaturity and unsaturation was distinguished. Regardless of particular country the life cycle of the WPC product doesn’t reach its peak values. Its popularity in the US is much higher than in EU or in the Russian Federation that is foreshadowed by consumers’ nature wood preferences and plastic-composites loyalty at least. Meanwhile, such eco-improved WPC goods are widely utilized at the Japanese market only which nevertheless would be in-demand among the EU business area doubtless.
According to the logarithmic Random Lengths Framing Lumber Composite Price trend through the nearest few years will be observed a stable up pricing trend. As of natural indices, WPC sector is expected to reach nearly ХХХ million metric tons in 2016. According to the outlined tendency the share of European market will exceed the US one till the end of the year 2013 while through the current period an American output almost reached the European and Asian values together.
Poland continued to complete the particle WPC board producers’ leadership podium with ХХХ% annual enlargement. Thus, Polish market size is estimated in about USD ХХХ mln in 2012 keeping previous growth rate with an average market price USD ХХХ per m2 and ХХХ decameter. We considered stock enlargement that might signals about further demand shrinking. Otherwise, an import policy hasn’t been crucially changed since post crises period which one, by the way, hadn’t marked an imprint on the local WPC and wood-decking/flooring/siding market in Poland. As for the price index it has been changed significantly through the last few periods with keeping on increase trend.

(2) Poland and France continued to complete the particle board producers’ leadership podium with increases in production of ХХХ% and ХХХ%, respectively while Germany remained the largest particle board producer in Europe in 2011, despite a ХХХ% fall in production. Thus, Polish market size is estimated in about USD ХХХ mln in 2012 keeping previous growth rate with an average market price USD ХХХ per m2 (Tab.1) and ХХХ decameter2.

As is shown above, domestic consumption was rising till the last investigated period as well as self-production. However, we consider stock enlargement that might signals about further demand shrinking. Otherwise, an import policy hasn’t been crucially changed since post crises period which one, by the way, hadn’t marked an imprint on the local WPC and wood-decking/flooring/siding market in Poland. As for the price index it has been changed significantly through the last few periods with keeping on increase trend (the latest officially detected improvement assessed as ХХХ% - Tab.2).

Подробное оглавление/содержание:

CHAPTER 1                       
Scope of the Study                   
Methodology & Info Sources            
Alternative Methodology               
B&P CG Further Project Assistance           
CHAPTER 2                       
Executive Summary                    
WPC Market: Brief Economic Review       
WPC Market: Poland                
WPC Market: The Russian Federation        
APPENDIX 1                       
APPENDIX 2                    
APPENDIX 3                       
APPENDIX 4                    
APPENDIX 5                       

Перечень приложений:

Table 1 Particle board and similar board of wood or ligneous materials (in decameter cub.) [Poland]
Table 2 Price indices of sold production of industry, previous year = 100 [Poland]
Table 3 Floor, wall or ceiling coverings of plastics production (in km2) [Poland]
Table 4 Share of net revenues from sales of new or significantly improved products in net revenues from sales in industry, products - in % [Poland]
Table 5 Expenditures on innovation activities in manufacture of rubber and plastic products (current prices), in mln $  and %, 2011 [Poland]
Table 6 Basic timber-based material processing output productions, 2010-2011 [RF]
Table 7 Rubber and plastic units’ production, mln m2 [RF]

Figure1 Random Lengths Framing Lumber Composite Price - by Year (* - forecasted data)
Figure 2 Construction activity and economic growth in Europe at 2011 prices
Figure 3 Global markets for applications of WPCs, cellulosic, plastic lumber, and natural fiber composites, 2008-2016 (forecast) metric tons
Figure 4 Consumption of wood-plastic panels in UNECE subregions, 2007-2012
Figure 5 Accumulated downloads from the online publication by different (more than 50) countries (* - forecasted data)
Figure 6 Accumulated download share from the online publication by the targeted countries [Poland]
Figure 7 Industries where WPC products are in demand, 2011, % [RF]
Figure 8 Construction industry areas where WPC products are in demand, 2011, % [RF]
Figure 9 WPC production additive materials differentiation in material matrix, % [RF]
Figure 10 Russian WPC “import – local production” market map presentation, % [RF]
Figure 11 WPC domestic producers accrual, items [RF]
Figure 12 WPC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION’s quality label [RF]

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