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Russian work clothes market: state and development trends (артикул: 00922 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 16 Июня 2008

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Россия

Период исследования: 2003-2007

Количество страниц: 53

Язык отчета: Русский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 30000 руб.


Всегда актуальные исследования рынков и индивидуальные бизнес-планы

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Полное описание: Main research objectives are:

1. State estimation and development prospects of the Russian work clothes market from standpoint of investment appeal.

2. Expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to the Russian work clothes market.

The research period is 2003-2007. The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian work clothes market are considered over near-term outlook.

Information sources:

1. Statistical data and forecasting information of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Federal State Statistic Service, and Federal Customs Service of Russia.

2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.

3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform – North-West».

General conclusions:

According to expert’s opinion the Russian work clothes market is on a stage of active development. Moreover the Russian work clothes market in a whole is the most perspective segment of the textile branch. The main feature of the Russian work clothes market is constant expansion and renewal of assortment in light of modern scientific recommendations and consumer priorities.

Companies’ management is getting on to fact that matters of industrial security and labor protection are not only calculations showing how many mittens and dressing growns must be purchased. It is inseparably associated with corporative personnel policy and with operational comfort.

Domestic manufacturers and distributors of work clothes are key market participants. Some of them produce undress clothes and footwear together with work clothes. According to specialist’s opinion, three largest players of work clothes market are VOSTOK-SERVIS Association of Textile and Light and Industry Enterprises, ZAO Trakt and OOO Tekhnoavia. The concentration ratios of these companies are more than 30%.

Work clothes products in composition of individual self-defense group are sold through specialized shops, department stores, manufactured goods stores and etc. The largest center of work clothes sales have been opened in Moscow in 2007. Internet becomes one of significant distribution channels of work clothes. It is especially convenient for organizations regionally located far from basic centers of work clothes manufacture.

Most of market players advance the opinion of work clothes market perspective and it year-on-year growth. Many companies specify that part of market is in a shadow and its real volume is more. Some of market participants suppose that foreign manufacturers don’t compete domestic companies. They note that foreign companies engage in raw material supply for sewing work clothes or Russian agents import made-up work clothes from Asia and sell it in Russia by their brands.

The brief information on the leading companies of the Russian work clothes market is presented in the report as well. For more information on participants of the Russian work clothes market see Companies Directories created by «CredInform – North-West», in which companies are grouped using main code of Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED), and also Branch Enterprises Databases.

More detailed information on any firm can be received on-line at Agency website where in accessible form reference company data is presented not only, but also in comparative form its financial figures, foreign economic activity data and etc.

Подробное оглавление/содержание:


1. General characteristic of the Russian work clothes market in 2007

2. Specifics of the Russian work clothes market

2.1. Textile industry is the foundation of work clothes market

2.2. Using work clothes is the indicator of corporative culture and company’s image

2.3. Specifics of pricing, demand and discounts system

2.4. Work clothes leasing

2.5. Regional aspect, specifics of distribution system

2.6. Estimations and opinions of work clothes market participants

3. Structure of foreign trade turnover of the Russian work clothes market

3.1. Foreign trade turnover of professional work clothes goods (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) in Russia in 2007

3.2. Foreign trade turnover of work clothes goods (Commodity group 6211) in Russia in 2007

4. Branch development trends of the Russian work clothes market

5. The leaders of the Russian work clothes market and their characteristic

5.1. Leading work clothes manufacturers

5.2. Retail trade leaders of work clothes

5.3. Wholesale trade leaders of work clothes

5.4. Active participants of foreign trade turnover of work clothes

The list of appendices to the report;

quantity and names of tables, diagrams, schedules Tables:

1.1. Mid-annual number of employment in the economy during 2003-2007 detailed on economic activity

1.2. Leading manufacturers of work clothes in Russia detailed on annual turnover

2.1. Wholesale mittens prices

2.2. Wholesale working dressing grown prices

2.3. Wholesale wadded trousers prices

2.4. Wholesalers work clothes discounts system of Soyuzspecodezhda company

2.5. Wholesalers work clothes discounts system of Liga specodezhdy company

2.6. Regional retail traders of work clothes in Russia

3.1. Volumes and trend of work clothes foreign trade turnover in 2006-2008

3.2. Characteristic of TN foreign economic activity codes of commodity group WORK CLOTHES

3.3. Import and export volumes of work clothes deliveries in 2007 detailed on TN codes of foreign economic activity

3.4. Deliveries volumes of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors countries

3.5. Import volume of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees

3.6. Deliveries volumes of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees countries

3.7. Export volume of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees

3.8. Deliveries volumes of work clothes (Commodity group 6211) to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors countries

3.9. Import volume of work clothes (Commodity group 6211) to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees

3.10. Deliveries volumes of work clothes (Commodity group 6211) from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees countries

3.11. Export volume of work clothes (Commodity group 6211) from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees

Перечень приложений: Diagrams:

1.1. Russian work clothes market capacity in 2003-2007

1.2. Assortment structure of sewing industry products

1.3. Leading players of work clothes market in Russia

2.1. Share of domestic production textile on the Russian market

2.2. Structure of Russian individual protective means market

2.3. Sales structure of work clothes manufacturers detailed on industry sectors

2.4. Shares of players on North-West region work clothes market

3.1. Consignors countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) to Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.2. Consignors countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) to Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.3. Consignees countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) from Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.4. Consignees countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity groups 6203 and 6204) from Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.5. Consignors countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity group 6211) to Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.6. Consignors countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity group 6211) to Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.7. Consignees countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity group 6211) from Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.8. Consignees countries geography of professional work clothes (Commodity group 6211) from Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)


1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company

2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"

3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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