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Manufacturers of wheel and caterpillar machines in Russia (артикул: 03939 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 10 Июня 2009

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Russia

Период исследования: 2009

Количество страниц: 11

Язык отчета: Русский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 29900 руб.


Всегда актуальные исследования рынков и индивидуальные бизнес-планы

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Полное описание:

Main research objectives are:
1. Revelation of wheel and caterpillar machines manufacturers as consumers of radiators and other components in Russia
2. Definition of company locations and their contact information.

Information sources:
1. Companies and mass-media information.
2. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».

Review content:
Now the economic crisis has considerably affected development of the Russian cars market. Practically on all its segments experts note decrease both as manufacture figures, as sales volumes. According to analysts’ estimations, in Russia during the first quarter of 2009 cars output was reduced to 63% in comparison with the similar period of the last 2008, lorries - 75%, and buses –69%.

But, at the same time, the state, and regional authorities make certain efforts which will allow to recover market and to give it stable development.
Growth of demand for radiators and components for automobile and other machines is possible only in such conditions. It is not excluded that given tendency will be taken by both foreign, and domestic producers, suppliers, investors, and knowledge of participants of wheel and caterpillar machines market will quickly allow to find partners in business.

Information collected according to research objectives on manufacturers of wheel and caterpillar machines in Russia is structured in tables on the following groups:
- Agricultural cars, tractors, combines, loaders;
- Road machines, graders;
- Special cargo machines;
- Means of transportation for mining industry and crushers;
- Wood machines;
- Pile drivers machines;
- Dredges;
- Other special-purpose vehicles;
- Buses.

As a whole, the contact information on each manufacturer (total -72) is presented in the following way:
• Name, INN, OKPO;
• Address;
• Phone;
• Fax;
• Site;
• Е-mail;
• Management.

To check up reliability of any firms, to carry out analysis of their financial and economic activity efficiency and to get more detailed information on them you can address in CredInform North-West directly or on-line mode on the Agency Web site.
Problems with accounts receivable return – Agency experts have long-term experience of their resolving.

Подробное оглавление/содержание: Tables:
1. Manufacturers of agricultural cars, tractors, combines, loading equipment and other machines
2. Manufacturers of road machines, graders and other machines
3. Manufacturers of special cargo machines
4. Means of transportation for mining industry and crushers
5. Manufacturers of wood machines
6. Manufacturers of pile drivers and other machines
7. Manufacturers of dredges and other machines
8. Manufacturers of other special-purpose vehicles
9. Manufacturers of buses

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