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The Russian market of radiators for vehicles (артикул: 03930 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 15 Июня 2009

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Russia

Период исследования: 2005-2009

Количество страниц: 94

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 64800 руб.


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Полное описание:

Main research objectives are:
1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of radiators for vehicles.
The research period is 2005-2009.
2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian automotive radiators market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.

The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian market of automotive radiators are considered over near-term outlook up to 2015.

Information sources:
1. Data of Federal State Statistics Service, Ministry of Agriculture of the RF, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF, and Russian Federal Customs Service.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West».

Outlook content:
This outlook is dedicated to description of automotive radiators market in Russia.
Outlook contains classification of radiators for vehicles, key financial profitability figures of the Russian manufacturers of vehicles and auto parts, etc.
Also outlook contains data on pricing and distribution system of some largest Russian manufacturers of radiators, current state of affairs in an automobile industry as a consumer of radiators regarding volumes of realization and vehicle stocks.
Question of import and export deliveries of radiators and their parts in Russia in 2008 is studied in details.
This outlook depicts market trends under crisis conditions, and also information on leading market players, including their key financial profit figures.

General conclusions:
The Russian market of automotive radiators is attractive. The growth of radiators market repeats development trends of automobile market. The market of radiators has grown at the average by 109.86% for last four years during 2005-2008. In 2008 the market of radiators increased by 7.47%.
In 2009 according to pessimistic prediction a reduction of radiators output as a result of reduction of automobile production will 50% at automotive radiators market capacity equal 1.2 million pieces.

It is registered 1431 enterprises in Russia who produce auto parts and accessories of vehicles and their engines. However it is possible to mark out 10 leading manufacturers of radiators for vehicles in the market.
It should be noted the enterprises which are engaged in manufacture of different vehicles and radiators can specialize also in other fields, such as: manufacture of different equipment for vehicles, spare parts, realization and other.

Projected volume of radiators output will depend on orders from automobile industry.
Consumption of radiators under crisis conditions will be provided not only due to growth of the Russian car factories output volumes and expansions of their goods range but also radiators demand growth by spare parts consumers such as: car repair shops, maintenance service centers, and etc.

Подробное оглавление/содержание:

1 The market of radiators for vehicles in Russia 2
  Classification of radiators for automobile vehicles 2
  Russian consumers of radiators designed for vehicles 6
  Russian manufacturers of radiators, vehicles and auto parts 26
  Pricing and distribution system of radiators of some Russian manufacturers 34
  Russian sellers of vehicles, auto parts, assemblies and accessories 54
  Realization volumes and stocks of vehicles as a consumer of radiators 59
2 Analysis of import-export deliveries of radiators and their parts in Russia in 2008 (commodity group of codes 870891) 65
3 Development trends of the market of radiators for vehicles in Russia 76
4 Leading participants of the market of radiators for vehicles 82
  Manufacturers of vehicles 82
  Manufacturers of internal combustion engines for vehicles 83
  Manufacturers of parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines 85
  Wholesalers of automobile parts, assemblies and accessories 86
  Retailers of automobile parts, assemblies and accessories 87


Перечень приложений:

1.1. Market trend structure of automotive radiators in Russia by end-use in 2005-2009(1Q)
1.2. Manufacture of passenger car vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.3. Manufacture of truck vehicles and buses in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.4. Manufacture of major kinds of industrial output detailed on Federal districts of Russia in 2008 / 1Q 2009
1.5. Russian manufactures of vehicles, internal combustion engines and auto part according to OKVED codes
1.6. Contact and other information of the largest Russian manufacturers of radiators for vehicles
1.7. Manufactures of vehicles detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.8. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of vehicles (TOP-10)
1.9. Manufactures of internal combustion engines for vehicles detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.10. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of internal combustion engines for vehicles (TOP-10)
1.11. Manufactures of passenger vehicles detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.12. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of passenger vehicles (TOP-10)
1.13. Manufactures of buses and trolley buses detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.14. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of buses and trolley buses (TOP-10)
1.15. Manufactures of truck vehicles detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.16. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of truck vehicles (TOP-10)
1.17. Manufactures of special purpose vehicles detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.18. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of special purpose vehicles (TOP-10)
1.19. Manufactures of parts and accessories of vehicles and their engines detailed by annual turnover (TOP-20)
1.20. Key financial profitability figures of some manufactures of parts and accessories of vehicles and their engines (TOP-20)
1.21. Price-list of company «A» dated 01.04.2009
1.22. Price-list of company «B» dated 13.04.2009
1.23. Price-list of company «C» dated 01.08.2008
1.24. Price-list of company «D» dated 01.04.2009
1.25. Russian sellers of vehicles, automobile details, assemblies and accessories according to OKVED codes
1.26. Sellers of vehicles detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.27. Key financial profitability figures of some sellers of vehicles (TOP-10)
1.28. Sellers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.29. Key financial profitability figures of some sellers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories (TOP-10)
1.30. Sellers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.31. Key financial profitability figures of some sellers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories (TOP-10)
1.32. Wholesalers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.33. Key financial profitability figures of some wholesalers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories (TOP-10)
1.34. Retailers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.35. Key financial profitability figures of some retailers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories (TOP-10)
1.36. Sellers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories through agents detailed by annual turnover (TOP-10)
1.37. Key financial profitability figures of some sellers of auto parts, assemblies and accessories through agents (TOP-10)
1.38. Realization volumes of vehicles in Russia in kind
1.39. Realization volumes of vehicles in Russia in 2008-2007, 2009(1Q) и 2008(1Q)
2.1. Volumes and trends of foreign trade turnover of all kinds of radiators & their parts in 2006-2009(3)
2.2. Volumes of deliveries of all kinds of radiators & their parts to Russia in 2008 (detailed on consignors countries in kind and cost value)
2.3. Volumes of import deliveries of all kinds of radiators & their parts to Russia in 2008 (TOP-20)
2.4. Consignees of new cooling radiators for cars and vehicles in Russia in 2008 - ТОР-10 were chosen by value terms (detailed on consignees, goods types, manufacturers)
2.5. Volumes of deliveries of all kinds of radiators & their parts from Russia in 2008 (detailed on consignees countries in kind and cost value)
2.6. Volumes of export deliveries of all kinds of radiators & their parts from Russia in 2008 (TOP-10)
2.7. Consignors of new cooling radiators for cars and vehicles from Russia in 2008 - ТОР-10 were chosen by value terms (detailed on consignors, goods types, manufacturers)
3.1. Modernization of farming machines within the limits of realization of State programs in 2008-2012

1.1. Output of automotive radiators in Russia in 2005-2009(1Q)
1.2. Commodity production of automobile engines in Russia
in 2005-2009(1Q)
1.3. Commodity production of engines for tractors and combines in Russia in 2005-2009(1Q)
1.4. Market of automotive radiators by end-use in 2008
1.5. Manufacture of fire-fighting vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.6. Manufacture of vehicles for municipal communal services in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.7. Manufacture of choker skidding vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.8. Manufacture of vehicles for chokerless skidding trees (bag collectors) in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.9. Manufacture of construction loaders (except agricultural loaders) in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.10. Manufacture of pipelaying cranes on tractors in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.11. Manufacture of crawler-mounted cranes in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.12. Manufacture of air-tyred cranes (including cranes on special chassis) in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.13. Manufacture of automotive-type cranes in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.14. Manufacture of motormixer vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.15. Manufacture of autoconcrete pump vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.16. Manufacture of vehicles for building and maintenance of roads and airdromes in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.17. Manufacture of motor grader vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.18. Manufacture of bulldozers in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.19. Manufacture of excavators in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.20. Manufacture of universal agricultural loaders in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.21. Manufacture of combine harvesters in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.22. Manufacture of flax pullers in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.23. Manufacture of grain combines in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.24. Manufacture of vehicles for mineral fertilizer application and lime (except liquid and powdered) in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.25. Manufacture of mechanical grain loaders with productivity under 100 tons/hours in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.26. Manufacture of wheel tractors in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.27. Manufacture of crawler tractors in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.28. Manufacture of tractors in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.29. Manufacture of minitractors in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.30. Manufacture of trailers and special heavy cargo trailers in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.31. Manufacture of trolley buses in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.32. Manufacture of buses on chassis of the Russian truck vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.33. Manufacture of vans and specialize tank truck vehicles in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.34. Manufacture of buses with diesel engines in Russia in 2005-2009 (1Q)
1.35. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers in Russia in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.36. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Central’niy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.37. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Severo-Zapadniy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.38. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Yuzhniy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.39. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Privolzhskiy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.40. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Ural’skiy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.41. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Sibirskiy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
1.42. Stocks of passenger and truck vehicles at large and medium-scale wholesalers of Dal’nevostochniy federal region in 2008 (at the end of every month)
2.1. Correlation of import and export of all kinds of radiators & their parts in Russia in 2006-2008 (in kind and cost value)
2.2. Growth rates of foreign trade turnover of all kinds of radiators & their parts in 2006-2008, in kind
2.3. Growth rates of foreign trade turnover of all kinds of radiators & their parts in 2006-2008, in cost value
2.4. Geography of consignors countries to Russia in 2008 of all kinds of radiators & their parts, declared in customs commodity group 870891 (in kind)
2.5. Geography of consignors countries to Russia in 2008 of all kinds of radiators & their parts, declared in customs commodity group 870891 (in cost value)
2.6. Geography of consignees countries from Russia in 2008 of all kinds of radiators & their parts declared in customs group of codes 870891 (in kind)
2.7. Geography of consignees countries from Russia in 2008 of all kinds of radiators & their parts declared in customs group of codes 870891 (in cost value)
3.1. Base development scenario of the automotive radiators market in Russia detailed by end-use in 2009-2015
3.2. Pessimistic development scenario of the automotive radiators market in Russia detailed by end-use in 2009-2015
3.3. Forecast of development of the truck vehicles market in Russia in 2010-2015

1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company
2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"
3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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