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Полезное об исследованиях

Russia Petrochemicals Report (артикул: 19157 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 10 Мая 2013

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Россия

Период исследования:  

Количество страниц: 66

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 52500 руб.


Всегда актуальные исследования рынков и индивидуальные бизнес-планы

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Полное описание:

The Russia Petrochemicals Report has been researched at source, and features Business Monitor International (BMI)'s market assessment and independent forecasts for key petrochemicals sub-sectors. The report also analyses the impact of regulatory changes, recent developments and the background macroeconomic outlook and features competitive landscapes comparing companies by products and services, sales, market share, investments, projects, partners and expansion strategies. 


BMI's Russia Petrochemicals Report provides industry professionals and strategists, sector analysts, trade associations and regulatory bodies with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the Russian petrochemicals industry. 


Key Benefits 


Benchmark BMI's independent petrochemicals industry forecasts to test other views - a key input for successful budgetary and planning in the Russian petrochemicals market. 


Target business opportunities and risks in the Russian petrochemicals sector through our reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes and major deals, projects and investments in Russia. 


Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Company Profiles (inc. KPIs and latest activity). 


Coverage : 


Download Table of Contents 


Executive Summary 


Summary of BMI's key industry forecasts, views and trend analysis, covering petrochemicals markets, regulatory changes, major investments, projects and company developments. 


Market Overview 


Structure, size and value of the industry sector; overview of the industry landscape and key players; assessment of the business operating environment and the latest regulatory developments. 


Business Environment Ratings 


BMI's Petrochemicals Business Environment Ratings provide a country-comparative Risk-Reward Ratings index aimed at investors (both corporate and financial) in the regional petrochemicals market. 


The ratings methodology makes sophisticated use of over 40 industry, economic and demographic data points and is part of BMI's integrated Country Risk-Industry Ratings products. 


Industry Trends & Developments 


Evaluation of company and sector-wide developments, including key projects (as well as expansion plans), latest company financial details and proposed international ventures. 


BMI Industry Forecasts 


Historic data series (2007-2011) and forecasts to end-2016 for all key industry and economic indicators supported by explicit assumptions, plus analysis of key risks to the main forecasts. Indicators include: 


Energy: Oil production (`000 b/d), oil consumption (`000 b/d), net oil exports (`000 b/d), gas production (bcm), gas consumption (bcm), net gas exports (bcm), oil refinery capacity (`000 b/d). 


Petrochemicals: Ethylene capacity (`000 tpa), ethylene production (`000 tpa), ethylene consumption (`000 tpa), polyethylene capacity (`000 tpa), polypropylene capacity (`000 tpa), polyvinyl chloride capacity (`000 tpa), polyolefins consumption (`000 tpa). 


Oil Products Prices: Price forecasts for all major oil-based products (US$/bbl) at major global energy trading hubs. 


Economic: Nominal GDP (US$bn), real GDP growth (%), GDP per capita (US$), population (mn), unemployment (%), exchange rate (against US$). 

Company Profiles 


Examines the competitive positioning and short- to medium-term business strategies of key industry players. Strategy is examined within the context of BMI's industry forecasts, our macroeconomic views and our understanding of the wider competitive landscape. The latest financial and operating statistics and key company developments are also incorporated within the company profiles, enabling a full evaluation of recent company performance and future growth prospects. 

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