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The marketing research of real estate offers in Panama, the Dominican Republic and Miami (Florida, the USA) on the Russian market (артикул: 03714 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 27 Марта 2008

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Panama, the Dominican Republic and Miami (Florida, the USA)

Период исследования: 2008

Количество страниц: 70

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 90000 руб.


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Полное описание:

This report is a marketing research of  real estate offers in Panama, the Dominican Republic and Miami Downtown (Florida, the USA) on the Russian market

Subjects of the research are residential and commercial real estate markets of Panama, the Dominican Republic and Miami (Florida, the USA). Observed regions make up a local market.
The object of the research is a realty unit (residential or commercial) in regions under review, offered by companies that are presented on the Russian market.

The aim of the research is to find out the peculiarity of real estate offers of the local market in Russia.
To prevail the following tasks were performed:
• Realty units of the local market were analyzed;
• The structure of realty units offered today on the Russian market was revealed;
• The largest companies operating on the Russian market and offering real property units in observed regions were described;
• Different aspects of real estate investments (a risk, legal characteristics, a tax legislation) in concerned regions were analyzed;
• The demand analysis for overseas real property was carried out and the portrait of a potential customer was described;
• The market capacity was estimated and market development prospects were described.

During the research Vesco Consulting specialists have also turned to experts of the following companies for information: Century 21 Prime Time Realty, HomeInvestor, Trust Realty, Prime Panama and «International Investment & Construction», that made possible to use in the research the latest information concerning observed markets as well as customer preferences of the Russians.

This research can be interesting and useful for those companies who are going to offer or already offer purchasing services in Russia concerning Panama, the Dominican Republic or Miami, as well as for construction and development companies who are going to start business in those regions.

Подробное оглавление/содержание:

I Introduction
1. The object and the subject of the research
2. Aims and tasks of the research
II Important information about observed markets
3. General information
4. The economic situation
5. The specificity of real estate investments
III. The supply analysis
1. The analysis of offers on the Russian market
2. Panama
- Supply structure by realty types
- Residential realty
- Commercial realty
- Land sites
- Islands
3. The Dominican Republic
- Supply structure by realty types
- Residential realty
- Commercial realty
- Land sites
4. Miami
5. Key companies on the market
IV. The demand analysis
1. Potential customer groups
2. Motives of realty purchasing
3. Customer preferences
- Types of realty customer preferences
- Formats of realty and its area preferences
- Price preferences
4. Overseas realty purchasing forms
V. The estimation of market capacity and its prospects


Перечень приложений:

Diagram 1. Supply structure in Panama by realty types, %
Diagram 2. Supply structure in Panama by geographical location, %
Diagram 3. Residential realty supply structure in Panama, %
Diagram 4. Apartments supply structure by geographical location in Panama, %
Diagram 5. Apartments supply structure in Panama by the area (total), %
Diagram 6. Apartments supply structure in Panama by the area (particular), %
Diagram 7. Apartments supply structure in Panama by cost, %
Diagram 8. Villas supply structure in Panama by geographical location, %
Diagram 9. Villas supply structure in Panama by housing estate area, %
Diagram 10. Villas supply structure in Panama by the cost, %
Diagram 11. Commercial realty supply structure in Panama by premises area, %
Diagram 12. Commercial realty supply structure in Panama by the cost, %
Diagram 13. Land sites supply structure in Panama by geographical location, %
Diagram 14. Land sites supply structure in Panama by area, %
Diagram 15. Supply structure in the Dominican Republic by realty types, %
Diagram 16. Residential realty supply in the Dominican Republic structure by object of sale, %
Diagram 17. Villas supply structure in the Dominican Republic by the housing estate area, %
Diagram 18. Villas supply structure in the Dominican Republic by a lot space, %
Diagram 19. Villas supply structure in the Dominican Republic by geographical location, %
Diagram 20. The structure of villas supply in the Dominican Republic by cost, %
Diagram 21. Apartments’ supply structure in the Dominican Republic by area, %
Diagram 22. Apartments’ supply structure in the Dominican Republic by geographical location, %
Diagram 23. Apartments’ supply structure in the Dominican Republic by cost, %
Diagram 24. Commercial realty supply structure in the Dominican Republic by objects of sale, %
Diagram 25. Commercial realty supply structure in the Dominican Republic by geographical location, %
Diagram 26. Commercial realty supply structure in the Dominican Republic by cost, %
Diagram 27. Land sites supply structure in the Dominican Republic by purpose, %
Diagram 28. Land sites supply structure in the Dominican Republic by area, %
Diagram 29. Land site supply structure in the Dominican Republic by 1 sq. m. cost, %
Diagram 30. Companies’ shares in an offers’ structure (Panama), %
Diagram 31. Companies’ shares in an offers’ structure (the Dominican Republic), %
Diagram 32. Basic groups of overseas realty buyers, %
Diagram 33. Main motives of purchasing overseas realty of the Russians, %
Diagram 34. Motives of purchase in regions, %
Diagram 35. Preferences by realty types, %
Diagram 36. Customers’ residential real estate preferences, %
Diagram 37. Area preferences

Table 1. 1 sq. m. average price, November 2007, in Panama, by types, $
Table 2. 1 sq. m. average price, January 2008, in the Dominican Republic, by types, $
Table 3. Least Affordable U.S. Real Estate Markets
Table 4. 1 sq. m. minimum price, March 2008, in Miami Downtown, by types, $
Table 5. Typical conditions of crediting in regions

Illustration 1.  World map with observed regions
Illustration 2.  Map of Panama
Illustration 3.  Map of the Dominican Republic
Illustration 4.  Map of South Florida and neighbor regions
Illustration 5. Miami Downtown borders
Illustration 6. The inflation rate in Panama, 1980-2007, %
Illustration 7. The inflation rate in the Dominican Republic, 1990-2007, %
Illustration 8. The inflation rate in the USA, 1990-2006, %
Illustration 9. Real house price change, 1991-2007, %
Illustration 10. Political and economic risks for observed regions, 2007
Illustration 11. Political and economic risks for observed regions, 2008
Illustration 12. «Las Perlas» archipelago map


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