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Полезное об исследованиях

The Russian market of plastic (polymeric) fittings: state and tendencies of development under present (crisis) conditions (артикул: 03491 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 12 Марта 2009

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Russian (English is possible as well)

Период исследования: 2004-2008

Количество страниц: 57

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 29900 руб.


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Полное описание:

Main research objectives are:
1. Environment and economic activity estimation in terms of analysis of business processes occurring on the Russian market of fittings.
The research period is 2004-2008.
2. Revelation of development tendencies of the Russian fittings market, expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to it in conditions of turbulent market environment.
The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian market of fittings are considered over near-term outlook.

Information sources:
1. Reports of the Federal State Statistic Service, and Russian Federal Customs Service.
2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.
3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform North-West ».

Outlook content:
This review is dedicated to description of fittings market in conjunction with pipe market.
The attention in review was accented on condition of fittings market and role of the state and corporate sector in fittings manufacture development. Manufacturers, sellers and foreign turnoverers in Russia are considered. The segment of electrowelded fittings is shown.
The question of import/export equipment deliveries of fittings to Russia during 2006-2008(10) is studied in detail.
Also the review contains market tendencies in crisis conditions, and information on leading players of fittings and pipes.

General conclusions:
According to experts, the Russian fittings market is characterized by falling demand for given products under crisis influence in. Thus the level of demand began to fall since autumn of 2008. The market grew stably before that period.

Fittings of various manufacturers and price ranges are presented in Russia today, but it is necessary to notice that the most part of PVC fittings on the Russian market is foreign products. Thus the market capacity will depend on the further development of the plastic pipes market, and also the building market which is actually in a condition of deep depression since the crisis started.

The basic requirement of plastic connections using is guaranteed high level of operational characteristics and thereof in branch progressive technologies, both in the field of fittings manufacture, and in the field of hermetic sealing of connections, are used. Experts have conducted situation research in the European branch on manufacture of pipes: here it is used about 3.5 million tons of plastic per a year. In the field of fittings manufacture the market extends for the following areas: sewer and water pipes, the sanitary equipment, drainage for roads, gas pipelines, ameliorative and waste processing. works

During the period of 2000 - 2008 the market of plastic pipes grew 280% taking into account products made in Russia. And to full saturation of the market is still far. As a matter of fact, the market of pipes is the market which provides fittings market growth because fittings without pipes are unnecessary.

Fittings market development will be influenced by the following factors: general growth of housing construction in Russia; a rise in prices increase for habitation; carried out actions connected with major repairs of apartment houses and replacement of engineering networks, in particular metal pipes by plastic ones.
The brief information on the leading companies of the Russian market of fittings is presented in the report as well. For more information on other participants see Branch Enterprises Databases and also Companies Directories.

To check up reliability of any firm and to receive more detailed information on it everyone can address directly in «CredInform North-West» or use on-line at Agency website.

Having problems with accounts receivable – Agency’s specialists have long-term experience to resolve them.

Подробное оглавление/содержание: Contents:
1 General characteristic of fittings market 2
2 Features of the plastic (polymeric) fittings market in 2008 6
  The market of pipes as a fittings market basis  10
  Manufacturing factor 13
  Pricing on the fittings market 18
  Segment of electro welded fittings 21
3 Structure of the fittings market foreign trade turnover in Russia in 2008 (Code 3917400000) 29
4 Tendencies of branch development 44
5 Leading manufacturers and their characteristics 48

Перечень приложений: Tables:
2.1. The enterprises location of leading plastic tubing and fitting market operators detailed on the Russian Federation regions
2.2. The annual turnover of the basic plastic tubing and fitting producers in 2006-2007
2.3. The annual turnover of the plastic products market participants in 2006-2007 segmented by the basic kind of activity (ТОР-20)
2.4. The price on electro welded fittings (Mufta electrowelded PE100 SDR11) of the Russian and import manufacture
2.5. Volumes of electro welded fittings import deliveries made by companies in 2006 in Russia
2.6. Volumes of electro welded fittings import deliveries made by companies in 2007 in Russia
2.7. Volumes of electro welded fittings import deliveries made by companies in 2008 (10 months) in Russia
2.8. Volumes of electro welded fittings export deliveries made by companies in 2006-2008 from Russia
3.1. Delivery volumes of fittings to Russia in 2008 (detailed on consignors countries)
3.2. Delivery volumes of fittings to Russia in 2008 (detailed on consignees)
3.3. Delivery volumes of fittings from Russia in 2008, detailed by consignees countries
3.4. Export volumes of fittings from Russia in 2008 detailed by consignees
2.1. The specific structure of the Russian tubing and fitting submarket in 2008
3.1. Consignors countries geography of fittings to Russia in 2008, in kind (TOP 10)
3.2. Consignors countries geography of fittings to Russia in 2008, in cost value (TOP 10)
3.3. Consignees countries geography of fittings from Russia in 2008, in kind (TOP 10)
3.4. Consignees countries geography of fittings from Russia in 2008, in cost value (TOP 10)
1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company
2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"
3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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