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Полезное об исследованиях

The Research of Ukrainian Market of the Veterinary Medicine 2013 (артикул: 14872 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 25 Апреля 2013

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Украина

Период исследования: 2013

Количество страниц: 46

Язык отчета: Русский и Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 48000 руб.


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Полное описание:

Кабинетное исследование на основании вторичных данных.


Основные источники:  Государственный комитет статистики Украины, Официальный веб-сайт Верховной Рады Украины, Ветеринарный информационный ресурс Украины, Государственная ветеринарная и фитосанитарная служба Украины, Бизнес, www.agroperspectiva.com, //lb.ua, www.asvmu.org


Подробное оглавление/содержание:

1. Market


1.1 General characteristics of the goods


1.2. Market structure


1.3. Review of legislation affecting the development of the market


1.4. Market capacity and its dynamics


1.5. Analysis of export-import figures on the market


1.5.1. Analysis of import


1.5.2. Analysis of export


1.6. Market problems


1.7. Market forecast for 2-3 years


2. Competition


2.1. Analysis of the competitive landscape and key players


2.2. Marketing Policy


2.3. Pricing Policy


3. Consumers


3.1. Seasonality


3.2. Consumer segmentation


3.3. Consumption patterns


3.4. Consumer preferences


4. Scientific environment


5. Applications


6. List of the sources


Перечень приложений:

Table. 1.4.1. - Market balance of veterinary drugs in Ukraine in 2009-2012., t*

 Pic. 1.4.1. – Dynamics of production of a vaccine against the foot-and-mouth disease and the other for Veterinary Medicine in Ukraine in  2009 -2012 y., ton


Pic. 1.4.2. - Monthly dynamics of the production of a vaccine against the foot-and-month disease and the other for Veterinary Medicine in Ukraine in 2010 -2012 y., ton


Pic. 1.4.3. – Monthly dynamics of residues of finished products, vaccines against the foor-and-mouth disease and the other for Veterinary Medicine at the end of the period in Ukraine in 2010 -2012 y., ton


Table. 1.4.2. - Livestock of cattle and fowl on the 1st  of January in 1990-2013 гг., thousands of heads


Pic. 1.4.4. – Dynamics of the volume of services sold in the area of ​​veterinary activities in Ukraine in 2005-2012 y., mill. hrv. (VAT included)


Pic. – The share of imports of veterinary vaccines in total imports of veterinary drugs in Ukraine in 2008-2012 гг. (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - Dynamics of import of veterinary drugs in Ukraine in 2008-2012 y., thousand tons/mln. USD


Pic. - Dynamics of imports of veterinary vaccines in Ukraine 2006-2012 гг., thousand tons/million USD


Pic. - The main importers of veterinary drugs in Ukraine in 2012  (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - The main importers of veterinary drugs in Ukraine in 2011  (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - The main importers of veterinary drugs in Ukraine in 2010  (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - Geographical structure of imports of veterenary vacccine to Ukraine in 2010 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of imports of veterenary vacccine to Ukraine in 2012 (in phisycal terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of imports of veterenary vacccine to Ukraine in 2011 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of imports of veterenary vacccine to Ukraine in 2011 (in phisycal terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of imports of veterenary vacccine to Ukraine in 2010 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. -Geographical structure of imports of veterenary vacccine to Ukraine in 2010 (in phisycal terms), %


Table. - Main importers of vet-preparations in Ukraine and their suppliers in 2008-2012 y., kg, USD


Pic. - Dynamics of export of veterinary drugs from Ukraine in 2008-2012 y., thousand million / USD


Pic. - Dynamics of export of veterinary drugs from Ukraine in2006-2012 y., tons/thousand USD


Pic. - Major exporters of veterinary drugs from Ukraine in 2012 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - Major exporters of veterinary drugs from Ukraine in 2011 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - Major exporters of veterinary drugs from Ukraine in 2010 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. - Geographical structure of veterenary vaccine export from Ukraine in 2012  (in monetary terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of veterenary vaccine export from Ukraine in 2012 (in physical terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of veterenary vaccine export from Ukraine in  2011 (in monetary terms), %


Pic. -Geographical structure of veterenary vaccine export from Ukraine in  2011 (in phisical terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of veterenary vaccine export from Ukraine in  2010 г. (in monetary terms), %


Pic. –Geographical structure of veterenary vaccine export from Ukraine in  2010 (in physical terms), %


Table. - Main exporters of vet-preparations from Ukraine and their receivers in 2008-2012


Table. 2.1.1. - Volumes of production of a vaccine against the foot-and-mouth disease and the other for Veterinary Medicine by companies in в 2009-2011., ton


Table. 3.3.1. - Livestock of cattle and poultry in regions of Ukraine on the 1st of January 2013 ., thousands of heads


Applications - The Largest Producers


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