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Полезное об исследованиях

Анализ сектора информационных технологий России (артикул: 19161 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 9 Мая 2013

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Россия

Период исследования:  

Количество страниц: 109

Язык отчета: Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 52500 руб.


Всегда актуальные исследования рынков и индивидуальные бизнес-планы

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Полное описание:

he Russia Information Technology Report features market assessment and independent forecasts covering personal computers and software; semi-conductors, memory chips, integrated circuits and general components; the internet and IT solutions. It analyses regulatory changes (licensing, customs and intellectual property protection) and competitive landscapes comparing IT companies by products, sales, market share, investments, projects and expansion strategies.

Russia Information Technology Report provides industry professionals and strategists, corporate analysts, IT associations, government departments and regulatory bodies with independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on the IT industry in Russia.


Key Benefits


* Benchmark independent IT Industry forecasts for Russia to test other views - a key input for successful budgetary and strategic business planning in the Russian IT market. * Target business opportunities and risks in Russia's IT sector through our reviews of latest industry trends, regulatory changes, and major deals, projects and investments in Russia. * Assess the activities, strategy and market position of your competitors, partners and clients via our Company Profiles (inc. KPIs and latest activity). 

Подробное оглавление/содержание:

Executive Summary


Summary of BMI's key industry forecasts, views and trend analysis covering IT, regulatory changes, major investments and projects and significant national and multinational company developments.

Regional Overview Cross-border analysis of regional markets, commenting on IT penetration (PC and internet) and market growth drivers (IT market size and IT market compound growth).


Market Overview Structure, size and value of the industry sectors including hardware, software and services; overview of the industry landscape and key players; assessment of the business operating environment and the latest regulatory developments and government authority. Industry Forecasts


Historic data series and forecasts to end-2016 for all key industry indicators (see list below), supported by explicit assumptions, plus analysis of key downside risks to the main forecast, including: IT Sector: IT industry value (US$bn); IT sector contribution to GDP (%); value of hardware, software and services industry (US$mn); PC, peripherals and software imports and exports (US$mn); PC, peripherals and software sales (US$mn); number of PCs (`000); PCs/100 inhabitants; internet users (`000); internet users per 100 inhabitants; broadband subscribers (`000); broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants. Economy: Economic growth (%); nominal GDP (US$bn); unemployment (%); interest rates (%); exchange rate (against US$). Competitive Landscape


Full analysis of the competitive landscape within the hardware, software and services sectors. Company Profiles


Examines the competitive positioning and short- to medium-term business strategies of key industry players. Strategy is examined within the context of BMI's industry forecasts, our macroeconomic views and our understanding of the wider competitive landscape. The latest financial and operating statistics and key company developments are also incorporated within the company profiles, enabling a full evaluation of recent company performance and future growth prospects.

Перечень приложений:

Table of Contents

- Executive Summary


- SWOT Analysis


- Russia IT Sector SWOT


- Russia Telecoms Sector SWOT


- Russia Political SWOT


- Russia Economic SWOT


- Russia Business Environment SWOT


- Europe Risk/Reward Ratings


- Table: Europe Risk/Reward Ratings, Q412


- Europe IT Markets Overview


- IT Penetration


- Market Growth And Drivers


- Sectors And Verticals


- Market Overview


- Government Authorities


- Table: Russia's IT Market Structure, 2002-2004 (US$bn)


- Hardware


- Software


- Services


- Industry Developments


- Table: Russia's Technopark Expenditure, 2006-2010 (US$mn)


- Industry Forecast


- Table: Russia IT Industry - Historical Data And Forecasts (US$mn unless otherwise stated), 2009-2016


- Industry Forecast Internet


- Table: Telecoms Sector - Internet - Historical Data & Forecasts, 2009-2016


- Competitive Landscape


- Hardware


- Internet Competitive Landscape


- Table: Svyazinvest Regional Companies - Broadband Subscribers


- Company Profiles






- Kraftway




- Hewlett-Packard


- Oracle Corp


- Country Snapshot


Table: Russia's Population By Age Group, 1990-2020 ('000)


Table: Russia's Population By Age Group, 1990-2020 (% of total)


Table: Russia's Key Population Ratios, 1990-2020


Table: Russia's Rural And Urban Population, 1990-2020


How We Generate Our Industry Forecasts


IT Industry


IT Ratings - Methodology


Table: IT Business Environment Indicators




Table: Weighting Of Components

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