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Ukraine Construction Market Research 2011 (артикул: 09060 16271)

Дата выхода отчета: 26 Июля 2011

Компания-исполнитель: доступно зарегистрированным пользователям

География исследования: Украина

Период исследования: 2011

Количество страниц: 34

Язык отчета: Русский и Английский

Способ предоставления: электронный

Стоимость: 29900 руб.


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Полное описание: Кабинетное исследование на основании вторичных данных.
Основные источники: Госкомстат Украины, biz.liga.net.

Подробное оглавление/содержание: 1. A brief overview of the economic situation in Ukraine in 2010 to 2011.
2. The main characteristics of the Ukrainian construction market.
3. The main segments of the construction market: housing, civil engineering and infrastructure.
4. A brief analysis of the market of building materials and construction equipment.
5. Projections of the construction market in 2012-2014.
6. Applications
7. List of sources

Перечень приложений: Pic. 1.1. – The dynamics of change in the share of construction in GDP in Ukraine in 2002-2010, %
Pic. 1.2. - The dynamics of change in GDP of Ukraine, including construction in 2008-2011., milliard UAH.
Pic. 1.3. - Quarterly dynamics in GDP change in Ukraine, including construction in 2008-2011., milliard UAH.
Pic. 2.1. - The volume index of construction works in Ukraine, 1990-2010 gg.,% To previous year
Pic. 2.2. - The volume index of construction works in Ukraine in 2007-2010., % to previous year
Pic. 3.1. - Commissioning of housing in Ukraine in 2000-2010., Thousand m2
Pic. 3.2. - Commissioning of housing in Ukraine by region in 2010.,%
Pic. 4.1. - Dynamics of cement production in Ukraine in 2003-2010, mln. T.
Pic. 4.2. - Monthly dynamics of cement production in Ukraine in 2010 - January-June 2011, kt.
Table. 1.1. - The main indicators of socio-economic development of Ukraine in 2010
Table. 1.2. - The main indicators of socio-economic development of Ukraine in the first half of 2011
Table. 1.3. - Gross domestic product of Ukraine in view of the construction sector in 2002-2010. (mln.UAH)
Table. 1.4. - Gross domestic product of Ukraine in view of the construction sector, quarterly in 2008-2011. (mln.UAH)
Table. 1.5. - Capital investments in Ukraine in 2002-2010.
Table. 2.1. - The volume of construction works in Ukraine in 2005-2011 years for periods, as % of corresponding period of previous year
Table. 2.2. - Indices of the volume of construction works in regions of Ukraine in 2000-2010, (percent change)
Table. 2.3. - Fixed capital investment in housing in different regions of Ukraine in 2000-2010. (at current prices, mln.uah)
Table. 2.4. - Indices of capital investments in housing construction in the regions of Ukraine in 2000-2010. (percent change)
Table. 2.5. - Price indexes for construction works in Ukraine in 2003-2010, by economic activity and types of buildings and facilities, % (December to December of previous year)
Table. 2.6. - Price indexes for construction works in Ukraine in January-May 2011, by economic activity and types of buildings and facilities, % (by December 2010)
Table. 3.1. - Housing Fund of Ukraine in 2000-2010.
Table. 3.2. - Commissioning of housing in different regions of Ukraine in 1990-2010 years. (Thousand m2 of total area)
Table. 3.3. – The distribution of unfinished residential buildings on regions of Ukraine in 2010, by the nature of the construction (units)
Table. 3.4. - Commissioning of the social infrastructure in 2004-2011
Table. 3.5. - Indicators of indirect cost of housing in Ukraine on July 1, 2011:
Table. 3.6. - Key figures of the office commercial real estate market in Kiev in 2007-2011
Table. 3.7. - Key indicators of the retail real estate in Kiev in 2007-2011.
Table. 3.8. - The number of construction projects in the field of hotel real estate in the cities hosting Euro-2012 in the first quarter of 2011
Table. 3.9. - Distribution of non-residential buildings in Ukraine, under construction, by appointment, as at 01.01.2011 (units)
Table. 3.10. - Distribution of outstanding non-residential buildings by region of Ukraine on the nature of the construction as of 01.01.2011 (units)
Table. 3.11. - Distribution of outstanding engineering structures on regions of Ukraine, under construction, to appoint as of 01.01.2011
Table. 3.12. - Distribution of outstanding engineering structures on regions of Ukraine in 2010, by the nature of the construction (units)
Table. 4.1. - Manufacture of basic building materials and equipment in Ukraine in 2003-2010.
Table. 4.2. - Manufacture of basic building materials in Ukraine in the first half of 2011
Table. 4.3. - Cement production in Ukraine in 2008-2011. Monthly, kt
Applications - the largest operators of contacts.

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